Payment Posting

The payments against the claims, received from either the insurer or the patients, are recorded in the billing management software. This process, called payment posting, is important for ensuring optimized accounting.

Payment posting from EOB

Analysis EOBs for underpayment or over-payment

Adding of EOBs to patient account

Reconciliation to match payment posting to actual deposits

We swear by attention to detail!

We understand the importance of a well-managed posting process and ensure that we help you identify the opportunities to increase revenue by tracking payments and running corrective action if the payment is not in accordance with the expectation.

With years of experience, we have streamlined the process of payment posting to make it more efficient and systematic. Our billing experts are skilled at reading and analyzing the EOBs and provide insights to the client on how the claim has been processed and the understanding of denials, if applicable.

Our expert will keep a close eye on inflows and inspect areas where claim amounts can be improved, thereby maximizing the revenue.


After the settlement of the claim from the payer, the claim is either paid or denied and an electronic document known as the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) issued to the healthcare provider.

EOB is provided by the insurer to communicate the determination of the claims processed. The outcome of determination can be a payment or a denial. EOB normally contains information including, patients’ names, their account numbers, control numbers, service dates, procedure codes, billed/allowed/adjusted amounts, denials information, deductibles, sco-insurances, co-payments if any.

When the insurer pays the full amount, the amount billed to the patient becomes zero. If a part amount is paid, the balance payment reflects in the patient’s account.

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